Use Trimble Installation Manager for Windows to:
- Install and update supported Trimble® software to:
- a field controller connected to an office computer or tablet running Trimble
Installation Manager
- an office computer, Trimble TSC7 or tablet running Trimble Installation
- Update supported Trimble GNSS receivers
- Update supported Trimble instrument firmware
Supported Products
Use Trimble Installation Manager to download and install the following software:
- Forensics Capture
- Forensics Reveal
- Groundworks
- Penmap Windows Field Data Collection
- Penmap Project Manager
- Siteworks
- Trimble Access
- Trimble FieldLink
- Trimble Field Points
- Trimble Marine Construction
- Trimble Perspective
- Trimble Virtual World
When you install application updates to a controller, the Trimble Installation Manager also
updates your Trimble office software so that it can communicate with the updates being
installed to the controller.
Connect a Trimble receiver and use Trimble Installation Manager to:
For a...
Receiver firmware, options, and radio settings
- Trimble R780-2, R780 GNSS Smart Antenna
- Trimble R750 GNSS Modular Receiver
- Trimble R12i, R12, R10-2, R580, R9s, R8s, R2 GNSS Receiver
- Trimble MPS865, MPS566 GNSS Modular Receiver
- Trimble SPS986 & SPS986T GNSS Smart Antenna
- Trimble SPS855T GNSS Modular Receiver
- Trimble SPS785 GNSS Receiver
- FUGRO 9410-AUT GNSS Modular Receiver
- Trimble 阿 洛 伊 GNSS CORS Receiver
Receiver firmware
- Trimble R10 GNSS receiver
- Trimble SPS985, SPS985L and SPS585 GNSS Smart Antenna
- Trimble SPS855, SPS555H and SPS356 GNSS Modular Receiver
- FUGRO 9205 GNSS Modular Receiver
- Trimble BX982 and BX992 GNSS Modular Receiver
Connect a Trimble instrument and use Trimble Installation Manager to:
For a...
Instrument firmware and options
- Trimble SX12 Scanning Total Station
- Trimble X9 3D Laser Scanner
- Trimble Ri Total Station
Instrument firmware
- Trimble SX10 Scanning Total Station
- Trimble X7 3D Laser Scanner
- Trimble X12 3D Laser Scanner
Connect a Trimble radio and use Trimble Installation Manager to:
For a...
Radio firmware and options
Radio settings
When you install application updates to a controller, the Trimble Installation Manager also
updates your Trimble office software so that it can communicate with the updates being
installed to the controller.
Installing the Trimble Installation Manager
Two versions of the Trimble Installation Manager for Windows are available:
Trimble Installation Manager (Online)
Most users will use the Trimble Installation Manager online version, and simply update their
device when they have a connection to the Internet.
Trimble Installation Manager (Offline)
The functionality provided in the offline version of the Trimble Installation Manager is the
same as the online version, except that the offline version enables you to download and save
copies of the Trimble Access software or Trimble receiver firmware files so that you can
update the device at a later date, when you may not have an Internet connection. You must have
a working Internet connection to download the Trimble Installation Manager offline version the
first time, and whenever you download files required to update your device.
Note – You cannot use the
offline version of the Trimble Installation Manager to install Aerial Imaging
To create a local copy of the Trimble Installation Manager (Offline) you will need the serial
number of all devices that you plan to update.
Using the Trimble Installation Manager to update
your device
Connect your device to the computer or Tablet running the Trimble Installation Manager
software. If you are updating a Tablet, run the Trimble Installation Manager on the Tablet. In
the Trimble Installation Manager, select the device type you want to update. If required,
follow the instructions in the Trimble Installation Manager to connect to the device. To
update the device, select the items to install/update and then click Install.
For more information, refer to the Trimble Installation Manager Help. To view the
Help, run the Trimble Installation Manager and then click Help.
Trimble Installation Manager for Android
Trimble Installation Manager for Android enables you to easily install and update supported
Trimble® software to supported devices running the Android™ platform.
Supported Products
Use Trimble Installation Manager to download and install the following software:
- Forensics Capture
- Groundworks
- Siteworks
- Trimble Access™
To install Trimble Installation Manager
Trimble Installation Manager is installed directly onto the Android device.
- If you have never installed the Trimble Installation Manager, you can download it here:
- The Trimble Installation Manager updates itself automatically, when required.
Using the Trimble Installation Manager to update
your Android device
- Connect the device to the internet.
- Run the Trimble Installation Manager on the device.
- Select the product you want to install or update.
- Select the version to install, select the items to install/update and then click Install.
For more information, refer to the Trimble Installation Manager Help. To view the
Help, run the Trimble Installation Manager and then click Help.